Thinkpad X220 Ram Slots

Today I review the best ThinkPad to date: The X220. Released in 2011, it represents the pinnacle of ThinkPad design.
For the past couple of years, it feels like Lenovo has been doing everything it can to systematically destroy the once-great ThinkPad name. I know, I know, people have been saying that since IBM’s sale of the brand to Lenovo a decade ago, but in many ways, Lenovo dramatically improved the ThinkPad for the first several years of ownership, and critically, largely left it alone until recently.

The X220 has all of my favourite features: It takes a standard 2.5″ SSD, is easily upgraded with more RAM (at least 16GB) can work with a dock, and has a slot for an SD card, as well as the traditional ThinkPad light. Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Summary Lenovo ThinkPad X220 is a Windows 7 laptop with a 12.50-inch display that has a resolution of 1366x768 pixels. It is powered by a Core i7 processor and it comes with.

The problem in models newer than the ThinkPad *20 is that Lenovo has finally started messing with what was the one key ThinkPad differentiator: The amazing keyboard. As far as I’m concerned, the ThinkPad keyboard achieved perfection in the X220/T420/W520, all of which shared the exact same part number, which was also available in Lenovo’s excellent USB ThinkPad keyboard. Thankfully, while all three of the ThinkPad *20 models machines are now several years old, they are still reasonably fast, very expandable, and generally a pleasure to use in 2015.

Today I will write about my favourite of these iconic ThinkPad models, the diminutive ThinkPad X220.

The ThinkPad X220 is the successor to the X201 and X201s, two of my favourite ThinkPads. Where the X201 had a 12″ 1280×800 or 1440×900 display, the X220 has a 12.5″ 1366×768 display. While I consider this a definite step down from the 1440×900 display of my X201s, the drop in resolution is more than compensated by the fact that the X220 comes in a variant with an IPS panel, meaning proper colour and off-angle viewing. As I’ve been doing more print work, an IPS panel has become a must for me. The X220 screen, while lower resolution than I’d like, is a top-notch screen needing no colour calibration. This coupled with the finest keyboard to ever grace a laptop, make it an absolutely fantastic machine.

Weight wise, the X220 is a bit heavier at 3.5lbs than the X201s’ 3lbs. For the slight bump in weight, you get a bigger screen, a much faster GPU, a faster CPU, the ability to add more RAM, a roomier keyboard, the option of an IPS display, and excellent battery life. Like the X201s, the X220 has a dock connector, takes a full 2.5″ SATA drive (as well as mSATA), and has two RAM slots. Mine has been upgraded to 16GB of RAM and a 500GB SSD. Couple that with the 2.6GHz i5 CPU and this machine just flies. This isn’t a low-powered CPU variant, but the newer Intel i5 CPUs are efficient enough that I haven’t noticed it being any noisier than the X201s or my Dell XPS 13.

The X220 has all of my favourite features: It takes a standard 2.5″ SSD, is easily upgraded with more RAM (at least 16GB) can work with a dock, and has a slot for an SD card, as well as the traditional ThinkPad light. It also has three USB ports (One of which is USB 3.0) in addition to the VGA, DisplayPort, and Ethernet jack. It may not be as thin as my Dell XPS 13 or a MacBook Air, but it’s almost as light and has every conceivable port. No adapters necessary.

Of course, years after the initial release, Ubuntu Linux 14.04 runs just perfectly on the ThinkPad X220. All buttons do as expected (play/pause on the keyboard, brightness, volume, etc.) which is far more than can be said for newer ThinkPad models. As Lenovo has shifted critical features like mouse buttons from physical hardware buttons to software-controlled touch-aware versions, the need for complex drivers has increased. This has lead to progressively worse trackpad and trackpoint experiences in all operating systems, even Windows. The X220 suffers none of these indignities. I should note that I disabled the trackpad in the BIOS, as I’m very used to the TrackPoint and found that I was accidentally moving the mouse when I meant to type. I’m sure it’s fine, it’s just not my cup of tea. If you’re reading this review, you’re likely a long-time ThinkPad user who will also want to turn it off. Battery life in Linux is also excellent. I easily get 4-6 hours on a six cell battery running Unity, Firefox, text editors, terminals, etc. I suspect that a lighter UI, such as Elementary OS Luna, would likely further improve battery life.

The X220 is getting to be pretty long in the tooth now. Lenovo has released the X230, X240, X1 Carbon, ThinkPad Helix, and ThinkPad Yoga since the 220. I’ve used them all, and given the choice between any of them and my X220, I’d take the X220 every time. The only thing that would make this laptop better would be a higher-resolution screen. However, I’ll settle for a great IPS display and perfect keyboard any day of the week. Perfect Linux compatibility is the icing on the cake.

You can easily pick up an X220 on ebay for around $350 as of January 2015. This is an amazing bargain for a laptop that holds up so well over time. Given the weight, battery life, screen, keyboard, and upgradability, I don’t think you’ll do better.

Update (2020-05-18): I’ve since switched to a more powerful desktop computer for my photography business. I still use the X220 as a dedicated machine to connect with Zwift, a social cycling app. 🚴

My personal machine is a 8-year-old Lenovo ThinkPad X220 running Ubuntu 18.04 with i3wm.

It does not have a single USB-C port. It sports a 1366x768 TN display panel (in case you’re wondering, you can see each individual pixel with your bare eyes). The battery life of the 4-cell battery is horrendous (I barely get 2 hours out of this thing). The trackpad is so small, one could even wonder if it’s a trackpad for ants (no need to say that I never use it). The Wi-Fi card only supports 2.4GHz networks, so hopes for blazingly fast Wi-Fi are to be pushed aside. There’s even a bit of gaffer tape on the bottom left corner of the body to hold the cracked plastic together.

Speaking of the devil...

At my day job, I’m lucky enough to work on a top-spec MacBook Pro provided by my employer. It has a glorious Retina display, 16GB of RAM, a modern Core i7 CPU, and a huge trackpad to boot. All in all, it’s a pretty fancy machine, one that many people would love to use as a daily driver.

I mean, let’s just compare the trackpads for a second. It’s almost funny at that point.

Trackpad size comparison. ThinkPad X220 on the left. 15' MacBook Pro on the right.

Surprisingly though, out of the two laptops, my favourite is not the MacBook Pro. When I’m at home, I tuck the aluminium slab away and take out the magnesium brick that is the ThinkPad X220.

It’s not pretty. It’s not particularly fast. But it does everything I need, and it’s always ready for everything I throw at it. Could it be a bit of nostalgia for old school hardware? Maybe.

I strongly believe a Lenovo ThinkPad X220 is still a terrific laptop to use in 2019 and beyond. It’s not for everyone, but the X220 definitely sparks joy. Plus, its accessible price point makes it almost impossible to ignore. I got mine second-hand (third-hand? fourth-hand? I don’t even know) in great condition for less than 200$ in Canada.


In practical terms: the X220 plays 1080p videos from YouTube wonderfully, renders Portal 2 quite happily (albeit with lower graphics quality than what you may usually enjoy on higher-end machines), and is a perfect machine to dual boot Windows on for maximum value. I spend most of my time in a Web browser or CLI tools, so it’s not like I’m running complex simulations, but still.

The X220, just like any other classic ThinkPad, is extensible, sturdy, reliable, and provides everything I could ask for in a laptop.


The classic ThinkPad laptops have “extensibility” written all over them. Most components are user-replaceable. In “ship of Thesus” fashion, if you individually replace every single component of the X220 one at a time, is it still the same X220?

Seriously though, just look at this list:

  • User-replaceable display
  • User-replaceable wireless card
  • User-replaceable keyboard
  • User-replaceable RAM
  • User-replaceable battery
  • User-replaceable 2.5” storage and mSATA

That’s a list many laptop owners can only dream of. Laptops are increasingly shut tight deliberately, preventing users from fixing and/or upgrading their devices themselves. Not with a classic ThinkPad though.

I previously owned a ThinkPad X230, which many consider to be part of the last generation of “classic” ThinkPads. Multiple components of that X230 had been upgraded: IPS display, SSD storage, additional RAM, backlit keyboard in my native language, new 9-cell battery, etc. It was a dream machine, and the X220, just like other classic ThinkPads, offers the same extensibility and user-friendly servicing. I eventually bricked the X230 by spilling water in the underside RAM slot (weird accident, don’t ask).

After bricking the X230, I purchased a second-hand ThinkPad X250 on eBay, only to sell it a few weeks later as it’s a huge step backwards compared to the X220/X230: there’s only one user-accessible RAM slot in the X250 (instead of two). The rest of the RAM is soldered to the board. The keyboard is user-replaceable, but to do so you need to take the entire computer apart (instead of just replacing the keyboard directly as with the X220/X230). Like, what? Who thought that was a good idea?


Being a 2011 laptop, it also features various ports that some modern laptops users may only have heard of. At work, where everyone uses a top-of-the-line MacBook Pro, it’s like some sort of utopia where everything is wireless, and we don’t ever need to use the USB-C ports for anything other than charging the laptops or connecting to a giant 4K display.

In the real world, however, you’d need a handful of adapters with a MacBook Pro to connect to the rest of the world. The X220 provides everything you could practically ask for here:

  • USB-A ports (3 of them!)
  • SD card slot
  • Digital video out (DisplayPort)
  • Analog video out (good old VGA)
  • Ethernet port
  • Kensington lock
Left side of the X220. A whole world of connectivity awaits.

Plus, there are other goodies about this machine:

  • 7-row keyboard
  • Visual status indicators (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, battery, storage I/O)
  • Physical Wi-Fi killswitch
  • ThinkLight above the screen for late-night hacking sessions


I like to think that a classic ThinkPad is akin to a Toyota Corolla, one of the most (if not the most) reliable production cars ever produced. Give it a good and thorough clean up once a year, change the oil at regular intervals, keep your software up-to-date, and you’ll enjoy this machine for a long time.

Lenovo X220 Ram Upgrade 8gb

Classic ThinkPads just feel like business. They won’t let you down. The /r/thinkpad sub-reddit is full of classic ThinkPads (some of them I would even call “retro” instead of “classic”), and these things just keep on running, decades after the initial release date.

Thinkpad X220 Ram Slots Drivers

The laptop’s shell is made out of magnesium instead of plastic, making it extra sturdy. The keyboard feels great. Not your typical cheap keyboard from your run-of-the-mill HP laptop. The display hinges are solid.

Again, going back to the X250 I used for a couple of weeks: it felt cheap compared to the X220/X230. The shell was made out of plastic, the display seemed fragile, and the trackpoint buttons felt flimsy. Not a great experience coming from a X230.

That’s when I knew I’d go for the X220, and stay for a while.

Lenovo X220 Ram Slots

If you’re looking to purchase a second-hand classic ThinkPad, do it. Buy the thing. Slap GNU/Linux distribution on there (or *BSD, if you’re into that sort of thing), and have fun.